Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs


Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale

Spix’s Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii), also known as the Little Blue Macaw, is a rare and endangered parrot species native to Brazil. This species gained widespread attention due to its striking blue plumage and critical conservation status, having been declared extinct in the wild in 2000. However, thanks to concerted conservation efforts, there have been successful reintroductions into the wild.

 Breeding and Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs Laying

1. Nesting Habits: Spix’s Macaws typically nest in tree cavities, often choosing large, old trees with suitable hollows. These nesting sites provide the necessary protection and environment for egg laying and chick rearing.

2. Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs Characteristics: The eggs of Spix’s Macaw are typically white and oval-shaped, similar to other parrot species. A typical clutch consists of two to three eggs.

3. Incubation: The incubation period for Spix’s Macaw eggs is around 25 to 29 days. During this time, the female primarily incubates the eggs while the male provides food and protection.

4. Chick Development: After hatching, the chicks are altricial, meaning they are born blind, naked, and helpless. They rely entirely on their parents for warmth, feeding, and protection. The chicks fledge (leave the nest) at around 70 days old but may continue to depend on their parents for some time after.

Conservation Efforts

The Spix’s Macaw faced severe population decline due to habitat destruction, illegal trapping for the pet trade, and other factors. Several key conservation actions have been taken to help recover the species:

1. Captive Breeding Programs: Organizations like the Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation in Qatar, ACTP (Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots) in Germany, and others have established successful captive breeding programs. These programs aim to increase the population and genetic diversity of Spix’s Macaws.

2. Reintroduction Programs: Reintroduction efforts have focused on releasing captive-bred individuals into their natural habitat in Brazil. These programs are carefully managed, including habitat restoration, predator control, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the survival of the reintroduced birds.

3. Habitat Restoration: Efforts to restore and protect the natural habitat of the Spix’s Macaw are crucial. This includes reforesting areas with native trees that provide suitable nesting sites and food sources for the macaws.

4. Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in conservation efforts is essential for the long-term success of Spix’s Macaw recovery. Education and awareness programs help reduce illegal activities and promote sustainable practices that benefit both the macaws and local people.

Through these combined efforts, there is hope for the continued recovery and eventual sustainability of the Spix’s Macaw population in the wild.

Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale

Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale comes with hatching incubator hand booklet.

Sales contract document.

We sell all our Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale, Only when the eggs are 7 days old.

All Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale available now.

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Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs

We sell very fertile candlelight hatching parrot Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs for several species of parrots. All our Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our aviary, candlelight tested and 100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies. We are currently taking orders for people who are interested in raising their parrots from the Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs stage. Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale

Have you ever dreamed of raising a charming, intelligent companion from the very beginning? Look no further than Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs! These little miracles hold the promise of a lifelong friendship with one of the most captivating and talkative birds in the avian world.


But wait, isn’t buying Our Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs a bit… risky? What if they don’t hatch? How do you even care for them? Don’t worry! Whether you’re an experienced breeder or a first-time bird parent, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs for sale. From understanding the species and selecting quality eggs to mastering the incubation process and navigating legal considerations, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of nurturing your very own feathered friend from day one! 🥚➡️🐣➡️🦜


Understanding Spix`s Macaw Parrot  and Their Eggs

  1. Characteristics of Spix`s Macaw Parrot


Spix`s Macaw Parrot, also known as Monk Parakeets, are charming and intelligent birds native to South America. These medium-sized parrots are known for their vibrant green plumage and distinctive gray breast feathers. Here are some key characteristics:


Size: 11-12 inches long

Weight: 90-120 grams

Lifespan: 20-30 years in captivity

Personality: Social, playful, and highly intelligent




Primarily green with gray chest


Short, hooked beak


Capable of mimicking human speech

Social Behavior

Highly gregarious, form large flocks

Nutritional value of Quaker Parrot eggs


While not commonly consumed, Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs do have nutritional value. They are rich in proteins and essential vitamins, similar to other bird eggs. However, it’s important to note that these eggs are primarily valued for breeding purposes rather than consumption.


  1. Breeding habits and egg-laying patterns


Spix`s Macaw Parrot  have unique breeding habits that set them apart from other parrot species:


Nest building: They construct large, communal nests using twigs and branches


Breeding season: Typically occurs in spring and early summer


Clutch size: 4-8 eggs per clutch


Incubation period: Approximately 24-28 days

Parental care: Both male and female share incubation duties

Understanding these characteristics and breeding patterns is crucial for those interested in purchasing Quaker Parrot eggs for breeding purposes. With this knowledge, we can now explore the benefits of purchasing these eggs for aviculture.


Benefits of Purchasing Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs


Buying Quaker parrot eggs offers several advantages for both experienced breeders and bird enthusiasts. Let’s explore the key benefits:


  1. Potential for breeding and selling offspring


Purchasing Quaker parrot eggs provides an excellent opportunity for those interested in bird breeding. Here are some advantages:


Genetic control: Breeders can select Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs from specific bloodlines to enhance desirable traits.


Business opportunity: Successfully hatched and raised chicks can be sold to other enthusiasts.


Conservation efforts: Breeding can contribute to maintaining healthy populations of Quaker parrots.


  1. Cost-effective alternative to buying adult birds


Investing in Quaker parrot eggs can be more economical than purchasing adult birds:


Comparison Factor

Quaker Parrot Eggs

Adult Quaker Parrots

Initial Cost




Multiple for price of one adult

Single bird

Long-term Value

Potential for multiple birds

Limited to one bird


  1. Opportunity to raise parrots from hatching


Raising Quaker parrots from eggs offers a unique and rewarding experience:


Observe the entire growth process from egg to adult


Develop a stronger bond with the bird from day one


Customize training and socialization from the earliest stages


By choosing to purchase Quaker parrot eggs, you open up a world of possibilities for breeding, cost savings, and the joy of nurturing these charming birds from the very beginning. Next, we’ll delve into the important aspects of selecting quality Quaker parrot eggs to ensure the best chances of success in your endeavor.


Selecting Quality Quaker Parrot Eggs


When purchasing Quaker parrot eggs, it’s crucial to select high-quality specimens to ensure the best chance of successful hatching and healthy chicks. Here’s what you need to know:


  1. Verifying source credibility


Before buying Quaker parrot eggs, research the seller thoroughly. Look for:


Reputable breeders with positive reviews


Certifications or memberships in avian organizations


Clear communication and willingness to answer questions


  1. Checking for damage or defects


Carefully inspect each egg for:


Cracks or hairline fractures


Discoloration or unusual markings


Abnormal textures or soft spots


  1. Assessing egg size and shape


Quaker parrot eggs should have:


A consistent oval shape


An average length of 1-1.25 inches


A smooth, slightly glossy surface


  1. Identifying our Quakers Parrots Eggs For Sale


To determine if an egg is fertile:


Candling: Use a bright light source to examine the egg’s interior


Look for:


A visible air cell at the larger end


Dark veins or a small, dark spot (the embryo)


Here’s a quick comparison of fertile vs. infertile eggs:



Fertile Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs

Infertile Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs


Dark veins, embryo spot

Clear, uniform

Air cell

Visible, well-defined

Small or absent


Slightly heavie



By following these guidelines, you’ll be better equipped to select high-quality Quaker parrot eggs, increasing your chances of successful hatching and raising healthy chicks. Next, we’ll explore the proper handling and storage techniques to maintain the eggs’ viability until incubation.


Quaker parrots to help me get through college! I am a novice breeder, so I only have one breeding pair currently, meaning the birds are limited in quantity. I’m looking to expand soon, so worry not. Also, be sure to check out the beginner’s care section for some detailed info on caring for these beautiful birds.

Proper Handling and Storage of Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs


Now that you’ve selected quality Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs, it’s crucial to handle and store them correctly to ensure the best chances of successful hatching. Let’s explore the essential aspects of proper egg care.

Egg Turning and Positioning


Turning Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs is vital for embryo development. Here’s a quick guide:

Turn Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs at least 3-5 times daily

Rotate Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs 180 degrees each time

Mark eggs with an “X” on one side to track rotations

Use clean hands or egg-turning devices to minimize contamination

Safe Transportation Methods

When transporting Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs, consider the following:

Use padded egg cartons or specialized egg shippers

Cushion eggs with soft materials like cotton or foam

Keep eggs pointy-end down during transport

Avoid sudden movements or jolts

Transportation Method

Pros & Cons

Padded egg cartons

Affordable, readily available

Less protection than specialized shippers

Specialized egg shippers

Maximum protection, temperature control

More expensive, may require pre-ordering

Maintaining Optimal Temperature and Humidity

Proper environmental conditions are crucial for egg viability:

Keep temperature between 99.5°F to 100°F (37.5°C to 37.8°C)

Maintain humidity at 50-55% for the first 18 days

Increase humidity to 65-70% for the last few days before hatching

Use a reliable incubator with temperature and humidity controls

Monitor levels regularly with a hygrometer and thermometer


By following these guidelines for handling and storing Spix`s Macaw Parrot Eggs, you’ll significantly improve the chances of successful hatching. Next, we’ll delve into the intricate process of incubating these delicate eggs.


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