The obvious choice is a budgie or a cockatiel. These are ideal if cost is a factor, as smaller birds require less money to obtain and install. However, any pet bird that has not been trained to get out of its cage and back in will not make a nice pet.
Is your parrot insured? Get a quote of up to $5,000 for Vet, Death and Theft costs | We Believe in Exotic Animals Since 1996 | Check out our customer reviews
Best pet parrot
The best parrot for you depends on how the chosen bird will fit into your lifestyle and home.
Parrots can be small enough to fit in a pocket, and large enough to weigh over 2kg.
Click the links below to learn more about:
- Best parrot for the first time
- Parrots as pets
- Cockatiels as pets
- Are African Grays good pets?
- Parrots as pets
- Parrots as pets
- Conures as pets
- Ringnecks and Alexandrines as pets
- Kakariki as pets
- Where to buy a parrot?
The age of the parrot
The different types of parrot can be compared to the different types of dogs. The Great Dane and Pekingese are both classified as terriers; one person’s ideal home will not be another. It is no different for parrots.
The cost varies greatly. You can find a parakeet for $10 or a green-winged parakeet for $2,500.
Is your parrot insured? Get a quote of up to $5,000 for Vet, Death and Theft costs | We Believe in Exotic Animals Since 1996 | Check out our customer reviews.
Best parrot first time
The obvious choice is a budgie or a cockatiel. These are ideal if cost is a factor, as smaller birds require less money to obtain and install.
However, any pet bird that has not been trained to get out of its cage and back in will not make a nice pet. If you do not have time to interact with the parrot and allow time to get out of the cage, then the parakeet will not be the best pet for you.
The best bird for you also depends on how much time you have to devote to the bird and what you are willing to learn about parrots in general and your favorite species.
Parrots as pets
These birds make good first-time pets, and many dedicated parrots will tell you that their first bird was a parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus).
Along with canaries and cockatiels, these three species have been domesticated for much longer than the others.
Parrots were first bred in the United States in the 1850s, and are small birds weighing 30 to 40 grams and averaging 18 centimeters in length.
They are easy to find, inexpensive, and don’t require a large cage. Most parrots and canaries still feed on birdseed rather than pellets and can be picky eaters.
My daughter-in-law’s parrot, Pimpy, won’t try a new food unless she eats it in front of him first.

In the wild, parrots eat a wide variety of seeds (grass seeds), fruits, berries, and vegetables. In captivity, they are playful and inquisitive, and if tamed young, they make fun pets. It is neither destructive nor noisy.
They don’t live long and rarely reach double digits which can be tragic for owners with children. Like their larger cousins, the Australian Gala, care must be taken to ensure their fat intake is monitored; They can be prone to lipomas and tumors.
The Tamed Parakeet talks and sings a lot, and its voice is loud and squeaky. A solitary bird will constantly sing to its reflection in the cage’s mirror.
One opinion about parrots (which is also mine) is that all species do best with a companion of the same sex, opposite sex, or even a compatible one. To the owner who complains “so that the parrot wouldn’t be affectionate with me, would it?” I will reply that “the extra pleasure you get from watching birds interact with each other is adequate compensation”.
Additionally, since many pet parrots have to spend 8-10 hours alone while caregivers are at work, providing a companion bird is the best option.
Tip: Before buying your parakeet, make sure it has not been raised by its parents.
Are African Gray Parrots Good Pets?
This species, which includes the Gray Tinman, is known for its ability to talk. Like most parrots, they can become unhappy if caged too tightly isolated for too long. They may be suitable as first-time parrots if the new caregiver is sufficiently aware and sensitive to their body language.
Like large birds, they need several hours a day of interaction with their human flock. They need a lot of time out of the cage, three to four hours a day wouldn’t be much.
A profitable investment is as big a bird as you can handle. In this way, parrots receive vitamin D from the sun and can display normal behaviors, enjoying the sun and rain and chewing twigs.
If you’re considering a gray parakeet as a pet, Rosemary Low’s Guide to Gray Parrots as Cage Pets and Birds is a good place to start.
Erin Pepperberg. Who Alex Gray forever changed the way we perceive Gray’s speech ability and intelligence, and in addition to his scholarly publications, wrote an influential autobiography, Alex and Me (2008). He died at the age of 30, sadly never having reached a long lifespan like his gender. is able to.
Cockatoos as pets
Cockatoos are captive creatures, and usually only the white species are available in the UK.
They are very affectionate, if hand-raised, which has caused the loss of many pet cockatoos. They can be tricky pets and I wouldn’t recommend them to beginners.
Fluffy teddy cubs can grow up to be strong-willed individuals who more time and attention than the average person need can give them. Their love can focus on one human being to the exclusion of others, and they can be fiercely defensive of that person.

Parrots talk and scream
They have soft voices despite having a limited vocabulary. Talking is one thing and screaming is another. Even their natural sounds in the morning and evening to call the flock home can be deafening.
A friend of mine who doesn’t want to let go of her Molluccan Cockatoo wears earmuffs most of the time. Their cries are the reason why so many cockatoos have been rehoused.They are birds that have an amazing sense of rhythm. Find out why parrots love to dance.
Parrots as pets
Parrots are amazing animals. The scarlet macaw is a pirate parrot. There are 17 species of parrots. Of these species, most are found in the pet market.
I do not recommend a parrot as a first parrot. However, if you search hard enough and have the space and time, you can successfully keep them.
Like grizzly bears, amazons and parrots, they will pluck their feathers if their environment is not present. Their cost and the expense of providing adequate housing puts them beyond the reach of most parrot enthusiasts.
Due to their size, parrots need much more space than other species. More and more owners who decide to release them generally choose parrots, which are easy to train and less likely to be caught by predators.
I wore Penny, Blue and Gold macaws for four years and logged over 2,500 sessions. Free flight is risky for beginners. However, a group in the UK started flying overseas using aviator harnesses and bird trackers, then progressed to cruises.You can find out what they’re up to on Facebook at Parrot Harness Training and Flight in the UK.
If you have insurance with rollic birds farm or are considering taking out bird insurance with them, remember that your bird will not be insured if you lose it, injure it, become ill and need veterinary care, or die in free flight.
Parrots talk
Parrots are not known to speak although most parrots do speak a few words. Benni has the annoying habit of sitting outside at the top of a tree while imitating the barking of a dog. The resident dogs here go wild in search of the strange dog.
Conures as pets
Conures are growing in popularity because more people live in apartments with less space. Several types of conures are available. Sun conures are incredibly beautiful with their yellow/orange colors but they can be incredibly loud. The smaller Pineapple Conure is less cheerful and is a quieter bird.
Conure talking and training
Conures are not known to be a talker, but they are a good candidate for clicker training.
They learn tricks easily – and trick training using the principles of positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to interact with your avian companion. Parrots can learn new activities throughout their lives, although obviously the younger the training begins, the easier it will be for both of you.
Ringnecks and Alexandrines as pets
Flocks of these green birds now live almost savagely in parts of the UK. They are gaining popularity as indoor caged birds. Although they can make affectionate pets, I think Long-tailed macaws are better suited as indoor birds.
Selective breeding combined with the natural blue mutation has resulted in Ringnecks with many colours. They have a limited ability to talk but can be trained to bird tricks if you have the time, skill and patience.
Kakariki as pets
These small, bright green birds are native to New Zealand. (And Kakariki is the correct plural. Their name is derived from Māori.) They are green with red nodes—yellow and blue mutations are now available.
They are becoming increasingly popular as indoor pets. They can be exploited, but I personally don’t think their energetic, energetic nature is suitable for an indoor environment. Their active flight and curiosity are best displayed in an aviary.
They are priced at a modest $25 for habits but can be as high as £150 for all blue specimens. Like lovebirds and cockatiels, they are happiest in pairs. They reproduce freely and are excellent parents.
Other medium sized parrot species
Senegalese, caiques, quakers, pionos parrots – they all have followers. They make charming pets and can be less problematic than some of their larger cousins.
A helpful way to learn about a specific breed is to search YouTube for clips featuring each type.
The African Gray, Timna Gray, Umbrella Cockatoo and some parrot breeds are listed in Appendix A of CITES.
This means that you will need to see or obtain a certificate proving that the animal seller legally obtained the animal. This is called a Section 10 certification and the animal seller must provide it to you. Learn more about CITES here.
Where to buy a parrot
You can buy parakeets from birding magazines such as Cage and Aviary, which have sections on Wanted and For Sale. The cost depends on the species and locations.
Birds can be purchased at pet stores, online dealers, bird shows, and breeders. Birds can also be found in sanctuaries and rescues. You can often find the cash you want in a salvage operation, in which case the cost may be free or low, but there are requirements.
If you are inexperienced, it makes sense to take someone with you who knows what a healthy bird looks like. If in doubt, request a veterinary examination.
Online or blind buying from anyone can be successful, but it comes with inherent risks. The ideal is to know the breeder and follow the development of the selected bird from hatching to weaning. A conscientious breeder will allow you to visit. rollic birds farm offers the public free expert advice covering all aspects of breeding. If you’re serious about keeping parrots, it’s worth joining.
The World Parrot Trust also provides an excellent service in answering members’ questions. For more on buying a parakeet, check out: Five Things You Need to Know about Buying a Bird
The age of the parrot
Parrots generally live longer. As a rough guide, the greater the diversity of species, the greater the potential lifespan.
Cockatoo: Accidents and unwanted illnesses aside, you can expect your parakeet to live into their thirties and beyond.
The oldest recorded bird according to Wikipedia was the coqui. Major Mitchell Cockatoo of a man, who was born in 1933 and lived to be 82 years old.
He died in 2015 at Brookfield Zoo near Chicago, Illinois, USA. It was one of the oldest birds of its species to have survived in captivity. Budgies: Rarely reach double digits, averaging five to eight years.
Cockatiels: They are said to live longer in captivity than in the wild. Ten to fifteen years, he will be fine. Some reach their twenties.
Quakers, Jardines, Senegalese, Ringnecks and Conures: These can reach their twenties.
Alex, a breeding bird from Alexandria given to me at the age of 21, laid her last clutch of 2 eggs at the age of 24 and just lost.
Amazons and Greys: Up to 50 but rare.
Arthritis can be painful in older birds. My Lena, a buff-winged Amazon captured in the wild, is in her 55th year despite suffering from horrible arthritis. He received daily painkillers
Parrots: usually grow up to fifty years old.
Advances in nutritional studies and a better understanding of parrot behavior have extended the lifespan of captive birds. However, more and more parrots are dying from lack of food or preventable accidents. Discover our article: what to feed your parrot.
Bringing a healthy bird into your home, choosing an avian veterinarian, and getting as much information as possible about parrots in general, and your species in particular, will increase your chances of having a long-lived bird. Proponents of clipping believe that keeping a flightless bird is a safety measure. I completely disagree. The lack of aerobic activity and sedentary lifestyle of shorn birds is the opposite of a guarantee of longevity.
And finally
It’s like dating – no one can predict the outcome of introducing a parrot into your life. If all goes well, you are very rich.
Whatever you decide – good luck. Is your parrot insured? Get a quote of up to $5,000 for vet bills, death and theft | We believe in exotic animals since 1996 | Check out our customer reviews.
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