Fertile Parrot Eggs for Sale Near Me in USA
parrots and fertile parrots eggs for sale
We have very healthy,trained and tame parrots in our Aviary for sale with ages ranging from 8 months to 15 months old .We equally have fresh laid and fertile candle tested parrot eggs for sale to those who are interested in hatching out chick from the eggs stage. Please if you are interested in buying fertile eggs or parrots contact us for the below varieties for sale:
All parrots comes with health papers, Our eggs are tested and 100% guaranteed to hatch through a candling exercise .Our hatching rate on all eggs is 100 percent we equally offer brochures auto regulated incubators, CD tapes etc to customers getting eggs from us to insure a successful hatch. Get back to us for more info contact with your emails. These amazing creatures are playful and inquisitive and they love to chew objects in their surroundings. They are not very destructive and like being around it’s owner. They should always be provided with toys, blocks of wood or branches that they can chew. In order to ensure safety companion cockatoos should not be allowed unsupervised freedom in the home as they often encounter toxins or dangerous items.
Rose Breasted/Galah Cockatoo Parrot Egg For Sale
They are extremely playful and intelligent birds that need constant stimulation: interaction, toys, branches to chew on. They are not generally noisy (known as the quietest of the tools), apart from early morning and evening. Rose-Breasted Cockatoos are generally between 12-15 inches in length from the beak to the tip of the tail feathers. Rose-Breasted Cockatoos have bright pink feathers on their chests, bellies, and the lower half of their faces. They have pinkish-white crests and gray backs, wings, and tail feathers. They have gray feet and horn colored beaks. Galahs make wonderful, energetic pets and, when trained with consistency, have a good talking ability. These birds have an affectionate and bubbly personality and are extremely popular as pets. They’re very loving and affectionate birds which form a very strong bond with their owner and like to think of themselves as ‘part of the family’. However, they do like their privacy at times and are quite happy to simply be around the family rather than be handled all hours of the day.
Double Yellow Head Amazon egg For Sale
One of the most sold amazon parrots in the USA, the Amazona ochrocephala oratrix, this species is what you find most times when offered baby double yellow head amazons, with little or no yellow and red in bend of the wings and when young just the forehead and crown is yellow, with the entire head being covered in yellow in few years. Double Yellow Head Amazons are native from Mexico, mostly central, west and eastern and can be found in some southern areas as well in smaller numbers even down into central america. Though once common, all double yellow head amazon variants are becoming more and more uncommon acrosss their native lands.
Pionus Parrots Eggs For Sale.
There is no visible means of sexing these birds. The Dusky Pionus or Dusky Parrot does breed well in captivity, and it has even been said that they have been hybridized other Pionus. Place a nest box high up in a dark area of the aviary. The female will lay 3 to 4 eggs which incubate for about 26 days. Pairs may take mealworms and greenstuffs when they have chicks in the nest. Corncob is a favourite weaning food. The young will fledged in about 2 1/2 months and be fully on their own in about 3 months. A roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend a good deal of their time on a playpen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, fruits, berries, and green stuffs. Including a formulated diet would also be beneficial. Pionus parrot for sale makes very good pets as they are generally good-matured. Once they are accustomed to their home and feel secure, they are less high strung and less demanding than many other birds. Some other great things about these birds, besides their unusual colors, is that that they are quiet and unobtrusive. Though they may be the noisiest of all the Pionus species, they are still generally much quieter than other parrots. They make a great pet for people who live in apartments or in close proximity to neighbors where noise can be a problem. They are quite intelligent with good memories and will learn simple tricks. Once they have learned behavior such as stepping up they are very obedient and will remain steady in their training.
Congo African Grey Parrot Eggs
All our African Grey Parrot Eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our aviary, candle tested and 100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies.

Blue And Gold Macaw Eggs
Blue & Gold Macaw Parrots Eggs for sale. We are specialized in the breeding of birds/parrots and we sell very fertile candle lit eggs of all species of parrots.
Goffins Cockatoo Parrot Eggs.
Order cockatoo parrot eggs online and incubate till it hatches. Our cockatoo eggs a tested to be fertile. Buy cockatoo eggs online and be guaranteed of delivery with an incubator and a handbook. We are specialized in the breeding of birds and parrots and we sell very fertile candle-lit eggs of all species of parrots. All our eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our Aviary, candle tested and 100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies. our hatch rate is always 98% successful and hatch ratio 1:1 on all eggs shipped. We issue a 100% guarantee on all eggs shipped and a 100% refund for any crack or unhatched eggs. The eggs are shipped with heat packs to keep the eggs warm throughout the hatching period.
African Grey Parrot Eggs.
All our African Grey Parrot Eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our aviary, candle tested and 100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies.

Black plumaged Cockatoo Parrot Egg For Sale.
These amazing creatures are playful and inquisitive and they love to chew objects in their surroundings. They are not very destructive and like being around it’s owner. They should always be provided with toys, blocks of wood or branches that they can chew. In order to ensure safety companion cockatoos should not be allowed unsupervised freedom in the home as they often encounter toxins or dangerous items.
Blue And Gold Macaw Eggs
Hybrid Macaw egg incubation periods can vary by breed but are typically between 24-28 days. Some parrot breeds can hatch in as little as 18 days.
Research your specific breed to find out how long your egg will need to be incubated. This article assumes a 24-day hatching cycle, so you may need to adjust based on your breed.
Buy Gang Gang Cockatoo Parrot Egg For Sale
The Gang Gang Cockatoo has a relatively restricted distribution in South-eastern Australia. They are mainly found in the higher altitude old-growth eucalypt forests. In winter it may move down into lower altitude woodlands and even into settled areas such as Canberra. Buy Gang Gang Cockatoo. The seeds of the forest eucalyptus and acacias make up most of their diet, which is supplemented by other plant material and insects. In summer it is usually seen in family groups but may flock together in winter, especially when feeding amongst berry-laden trees and shrubs. In Canberra, in winter it is especially fond of Cotoneaster and hawthorn (Crataegus) berries and flocks of 20 or more are not uncommon. The Gang Gang Cockatoo has a relatively restricted distribution in South-eastern Australia. They are mainly found in the higher altitude old-growth eucalypt forests. In winter it may move down into lower altitude woodlands and even into settled areas such as Canberra. Buy Gang Gang Cockatoo. The seeds of the forest eucalyptus and acacias make up most of their diet, which is supplemented by other plant material and insects. In summer it is usually seen in family groups but may flock together in winter, especially when feeding amongst berry-laden trees and shrubs. In Canberra, in winter it is especially fond of Cotoneaster and hawthorn (Crataegus) berries and flocks of 20 or more are not uncommon.
Caique parrot Egg For Sale
The White Bellied Caique (Pionites leucogaster) and the Black Headed Caique (Pionites melanocephalais) are known as the clowns of the parrot world. Not only from their bold colors, but from their funny personality. They are relatively quiet as far as no squawking, but can still make high pitched calls, learn various whistles, and mimic other noises as well. The White Bellied Caique originates in South America. They weigh about 150-170 grams are about 9- 10 inches in length. Their diet in the wild consists of fruits and seeds. Caiques also have an oil preening gland to clean their feathers, so those with allergies may consider one of these guys.
Harlequin Macaw Eggs
we are now taking orders from those who are interested in raising up their own baby birds from the eggs stage. its fun hatching your own baby(ies) from eggs and we will assist you in any way to hatch out your birds successfully. Hyacinth Macaw eggs for sale. We are specialized in the breeding of birds/parrots and we sell very fertile candle lit eggs of all species of parrots. All our eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our aviary, candle tested and 100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies.we are now taking orders from those who are interested in raising up their own baby birds from the eggs stage. its fun hatching your own baby(ies) from eggs and we will assist you in any way to hatch out your birds successfully. Hyacinth Macaw Parrots for sale
Moluccan Cockatoo Parrot Egg.
We are specialized in the breeding of birds and parrots and we sell very fertile candle-lit eggs of all species of parrots, fertile cockatiel eggs for sale. All our eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our Aviary, candle tested and 100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies, umbrella cockatoo eggs for sale. our hatch rate is always 98% successful and hatch ratio 1:1 on all eggs shipped, Moluccan cockatoo eggs for sale. Moluccan cockatoo (salmon-crested cockatoos) are affectionate birds that bond strongly with their owners, thriving on social interaction. Moluccans are cuddly bird that tends to get clingy at times. As pets, they want to be as close to their human mate as they naturally would with a mate in the wild. This bird needs a dedicated owner. This parrot stands out from the rest because of its salmon-pink feathers and brilliantly colored crest. Their beauty rivals their boisterous, comical personalities.
Care & Feeding
House your Moluccan in the largest cage you can afford because they are large birds and need a lot of space. The cage also needs to be sturdy enough to prevent a Moluccan cockatoo from destroying it. These are very social animals, and get along well with each other, so if you are not home often, you may want to consider getting two. This should not affect their pet quality. However, nesting Moluccan cockatoos are notorious for killing their mates — they are known for bird-on-bird aggression in a breeding situation. Food for cockatoos should be nutritious, but should also include a foraging element as well. Cockatoos are fun-loving, intelligent, and energetic parrots, and their food should reflect those traits. Wild cockatoos forage all day for seeds and nuts, as well as coconuts and grain crops. Like all companion parrots, cockatoos do not thrive on birdseed alone. Cockatoo food shouldn’t be boring to eat, either, and will love foods like Temperament
Sweet and affectionate are understated descriptions. This cockatoo loves to be loved and wants nothing more than someone (bird or person) to be with at all times. As a pet, the Moluccan tends to turn into a one-person bird. Moluccans are brilliant birds that thrive on challenges. They can learn to dance and do tricks and acts like an entertaining comedian when in a good mood.
While Moluccans are known to be extremely affectionate, males may get aggressive as they age. Any cranky cockatoo can bite, which is why they are not the right pet for families with children. This bird’s powerful beak is capable of cracking open tough nuts.
Speech and Vocalizations
Moluccans are not the best talking parrot. They can mimic some sounds, though many owners say that it’s more like yelling than talking. These birds are also screechers and will scream for attention when unhappy or no apparent reason. They are noisy, so they are not ideal for anyone with close neighbors.
Moluccan Cockatoo Colors and Markings
This species is easy to recognize by the bright pink feathers that adorn the base of its crest. It’s barely noticeable when the feathers are flat, but when the bird is excited, afraid, or angry, the crest will raise and show off its true beauty. Among the cockatoo species, their crest is one of the fullest, only rivaled by the umbrella cockatoo.
Besides the pop of color on their heads, Moluccan cockatoos are primarily white with salmon-colored feathers on their chests and wings. They have a beautiful pale yellow to peach color underneath their wings. Their beaks and feet are black but often appear gray due to the natural powdery down that the bird sheds.Mutation Buffon Macaws Egg For Sale. You can tell the sexes apart when the bird has matured to at least 3 years old. Male cockatoos have black eyes and females have brownish-colored eyes.
Pionus Parrots Eggs For Sale.
There is no visible means of sexing these birds. The Dusky Pionus or Dusky Parrot does breed well in captivity, and it has even been said that they have been hybridized other Pionus. Place a nest box high up in a dark area of the aviary. The female will lay 3 to 4 eggs which incubate for about 26 days. Pairs may take mealworms and greenstuffs when they have chicks in the nest. Corncob is a favourite weaning food. The young will fledge in about 2 1/2 months and be fully on their own in about 3 months. Care and feeding, A roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend a good deal of their time on a playpen or parrot perch.
They eat a variety of seeds, fruits, berries, and greenstuffs. Including a formulated diet would also be beneficial. Pionus parrot for sale makes very good pets as they are generally good-natured. Once they are accustomed to their home and feel secure, they are less high strung and less demanding than many other birds. Some other great things about these birds, besides their unusual colours, is that that they are quiet and unobtrusive. Though they may be the noisiest of all the Pionus species, they are still generally much quieter than other parrots. They make a great pet for people who live in apartments or in close proximity to neighbours where noise can be a problem. They are quite intelligent with good memories and will learn simple tricks. Once they have learned behaviour such as stepping up they are very obedient and will remain steady in their training.
Quakers Parrots Eggs For Sale.
So, you’ve decided you want a bird! Great choice! I absolutely love birds, and I have a personal pet Quaker named Nova and she is my best friend. The thing about birds is, although they are cute and well worth it, they are very high maintenance pets and are not for people who are away all the time and cannot spend at least 2-3 hours every day with their bird. They need quality time with their parents (you!).
Rainbow Lorikeet Parrots Egg For Sale.
Looking for Rainbow lorikeet price? Overall, Rainbow Lorikeets make excellent pets for those who committed to providing excellent quality care for their pets. also, ave plenty of free time to spend with them. These are friendly, funny, affectionate birds. Typically bond strongly to their owners, so it is important for those who want a Rainbow Lorikeet to realize that adopting one of these birds means committing to 20+ years of daily interaction. Lorikeets being especially messy due to their liquid-based diets. When choosing a location for a Lorikeet’s cage, it’s important to take this into consideration. Place the cage in an area where there is no carpet and where the floors and walls can be easily wiped clean. Thankfully, Rainbow Lorikeets are very intelligent birds and can be easy “potty trained” if an owner so chooses. We have a lot of variation of rainbow lorikeet price. Have look on our Store.
Red Factor African Grey Egg For Sale.
When caring for an African Grey Parrot a minimum cage size will have a 2 x 2-foot footprint.
The African grey is a medium- to large-sized parrot and must be provided with adequate living space, with 3 feet in height. Larger cages are preferable. These birds thrive when they have lots of opportunities for playing with toys, interacting with their owners, and learning words and tricks. New Owners must spend several hours each day interacting with and training your African grey. African Grey Parrot feeds on Fruits such as pomegranate, organic mango, and melon supplemented with a quality formulated pelleted feed is the best base diet for the African grey. African Greys are the most intelligent of the parrot species, a fact which becomes evident upon observing their behavior. Many grey Parrots grow to be extremely sweet and affectionate toward their pet owners, and the species is known for being quite sociable. But an African grey that is bored or neglected is an unhappy bird, and it will not hesitate to air its offense when given the opportunity. They are known as a Non-loud screamer, reserving much of this instinct for talking and chattering. It can be good for owners having apartments or condos, although some individuals will prove problematic in this environment. Congo African greys swagger shiny black beaks and bright red tail feathers. African grey parrots grow to a mature adult size of approximately 12 to 13 inches from beak to the tip of the tail. The weight from 10 to 20 ounces. Average Lifespan African grey parrots are 75 to 90 years when properly cared for, typically live about 50 years.
-Red Tailed Black Cockatoo Eggs
Red-tailed Black-Cockatoos lay one white egg (or sometimes two) in a tree hollow lined with wood dust, woodchips or splinters. Nesting hollows are usually situated in mature or dead eucalypts. Only the female incubates and feeds the young nestlings, but as the chicks grow older, both sexes feed them.
-Rose Breasted/Galah Cockatoo Parrot Egg For Sale.
They are extremely playful and intelligent birds that need constant stimulation: interaction, toys, branches to chew on. They are not generally noisy (known as the quietest of the toos), apart from early morning and evening. Rose-Breasted Cockatoos are generally between 12-15 inches in length from the beak to the tip of the tail feathers. Rose-Breasted Cockatoos have bright pink feathers on their chests, bellies, and the lower half of their faces. They have pinkish-white crests and gray backs, wings, and tail feathers. They have gray feet and horn colored beaks.
Galahs make wonderful, energetic pets and, when trained with consistency, have a good talking ability. These birds have an affectionate and bubbly personality and are extremely popular as pets. They’re very loving and affectionate birds which form a very strong bond with their owner and like to think of themselves as ‘part of the family’. However, they do like their privacy at times and are quite happy to simply be around the family rather than be handled all hours of the day.