White cockatoo parrot eggs


White cockatoo parrots, particularly the Sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) and the Umbrella cockatoo (Cacatua alba), are popular pet birds known for their striking appearance and intelligence. If you are interested in breeding these birds, here is some general information about their eggs and breeding process:

 Breeding Information

1. Breeding Age:
– Cockatoos generally reach sexual maturity around 3-5 years of age.

2. Breeding Season:
– In the wild, the breeding season varies with location but often occurs in spring and summer. In captivity, with controlled environments, breeding can occur year-round.

3. Nesting:
– Provide a spacious nesting box. A typical size for a nesting box for cockatoos is about 18 inches in height, 12 inches in width, and 12 inches in depth, with an entrance hole of around 5-6 inches in diameter.
– Line the nesting box with wood shavings or sawdust.

4. Egg Laying:
– Female cockatoos usually lay between 2-3 eggs per clutch.
– Eggs are white and oval-shaped.

5. Incubation:
– The incubation period for cockatoo eggs is about 24-30 days.
– Both parents typically share the responsibility of incubating the eggs.

6. Hatching and Rearing:
– Once hatched, the chicks are altricial, meaning they are born naked and helpless.
– Both parents take part in feeding and caring for the chicks.
– Chicks usually fledge (leave the nest) at around 10-12 weeks of age but may be dependent on their parents for several weeks longer.

 Tips for Successful Breeding

– Diet: Ensure breeding pairs are on a high-quality diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and a good pellet mix. Calcium supplements may be necessary to support egg-laying females.
– Environment: Maintain a stable environment with a consistent light schedule to mimic natural conditions. This helps regulate breeding cycles.
– Health: Regular veterinary check-ups are important to ensure the birds are healthy and free of diseases that could affect breeding.
– **Handling:** Minimize handling of eggs to avoid stress and potential damage. If you must handle them, make sure your hands are clean and consider using gloves.


Breeding cockatoos can be challenging and requires commitment, knowledge, and resources. It’s important to research thoroughly and consider the ethical implications and responsibilities of breeding parrots. Make sure there is a plan for the care and rehoming of the offspring.

If you’re new to breeding cockatoos or parrots in general, consulting with an avian vet or a professional breeder can provide invaluable guidance and support.



White cockatoo parrots, often referred to as white cockatoos, belong to the Cacatuidae family. They are known for their striking white plumage and impressive crests, which they can raise and lower at will. Here are some key details about white cockatoos:

Types of White Cockatoos
There are several species of white cockatoos, including:

– Notable for the bright yellow crest and large size.
– Native to Australia and New Guinea.

2. Umbrella Cockatoo (Cacatua alba)
– Recognizable by its pure white feathers and large, fan-shaped crest.
– Native to Indonesia, specifically the islands of Halmahera, Bacan, Ternate, Tidore, Kasiruta, and Mandio.

3. Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea)
– Smaller in size, with a less prominent crest.
– Found in Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia.

 Physical Characteristics
– Size: Typically range from 15 to 20 inches (38 to 50 cm) in length.
– Weight: Generally weigh between 0.8 to 2.2 pounds (400 to 1000 grams).
– Lifespan: Can live up to 70 years in captivity with proper care.

Behavior and Personality
– Intelligence: Highly intelligent birds that require mental stimulation. They can learn tricks, mimic sounds, and even solve puzzles.
– Social Nature: Very social and affectionate, often forming strong bonds with their human caretakers.
– Vocalization: Known for being loud and can scream, squawk, and mimic human speech. Their vocal nature requires owners to have patience and tolerance for noise.

Care Requirements
– Diet: A balanced diet of pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It’s important to avoid foods that are toxic to birds, such as avocado, chocolate, and caffeine.
– Housing: Need a large cage to accommodate their size and active nature. They also require plenty of out-of-cage time to exercise and interact.
– Enrichment: Require toys, puzzles, and interaction to prevent boredom and behavioral issues such as feather plucking.
– Grooming: Regular nail trims and occasional beak maintenance. Baths or misting are beneficial for feather health.

 Conservation Status
– Some species, like the Umbrella Cockatoo, are listed as vulnerable due to habitat destruction and illegal pet trade. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these beautiful birds in the wild.

White cockatoos make wonderful pets for experienced bird owners who can meet their demanding care needs and provide a stimulating environment. Their playful and affectionate nature, coupled with their striking appearance, makes them a beloved choice among parrot enthusiasts.


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